}); }); ]).push({}); }); Jkaf India By Pushpendra Kumar: Timor-Leste, Suai Subbase Projects

Wednesday 9 May 2018

Timor-Leste, Suai Subbase Projects

A Visit to Suai Subbase Project:
Suai City is situated in south part of Timore leste. It is about 140 kilometers from Dilli. Dilli is a national capital of Timore. We have traveled by a car from Dilli to Suai and reached at site within 6 hours. Suai is south most part of Timore and further, Timor ocean is start. It is very beautiful city. This visit have been conducted with Afcons, when I was posted there in 2014.

Rout Map of Suai from Dilli, Taken by Google map
Very beautiful landmarks have been encountered during road Travel. We have visited project location which was extended along sea beach from East to west. The regional Geology map is given herewith which was taken from available literature. The description of visited mining location for raw materials is also mentioned herewith.

Regional Geology by Yoshivuki et al. 2007 
The project site is bounded by river Tafara and Rai-keten. We have visited 4 quarry at Suai and 4 Quarry out of Suai. We have estimated the distance of each Quarry to site and volume of the raw materials.

* Quarry Location At Suai
Only one location for Quarry is visited outside of Suai which was at Manufahi, Asumaten Mountain. There is a gabbro outcrop  identified as a Quarry.
A Stock pile Location Suggested at Bank of River Tafara
From Stock the raw Boulder transported at Site
 Babonarao and Lalotoi area is also visited but have no importance due to large distance and Lolotoi limestone. 
Manufahi Gabbro

There are Some available Photographs related to site and travel, given here-under-
Changi Airport, Singapore

Hotel Timor at Dilli 
Project Site Visit
Suai Beach, Project Site
With Team at Suai Beach
Eastern Dragon Hotel at Suai

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