}); }); ]).push({}); }); Jkaf India By Pushpendra Kumar: Major Challenges in Indian agriculture these days

Saturday 22 February 2020

Major Challenges in Indian agriculture these days

Major Challenges in Indian agriculture these days:
As we have knows that around 70% of Indian population is depend on our agriculture. But our government spend only less than 10%  of total budget. So the government have not taken correct initiative which directly affect the actual ground. In the other hand the Minimum support price is also not as per ground reality. Indian farmers literacy rate is very low which is major concern to Indian agriculture. The banks are not providing KCC loan to the farmer without hidden service charge which may be up to 10% of loan amount. We must treat a farmer as a businessmen and convert the agriculture as a business. Farmer will be free to decide his product MRP cost based on input price. If the government make proper policy for farming sector it can contribute more 30% in our GDP. 

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